Friday, 29 November 2013

Henrietta and Praise


It is with great joy that I announce the union of HENRIETTA and PRAISE.

PRAISE found his long-time missing rib in the month of February 2009. He knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and so in the year 2010, he proposed. "Yes" was her reply and by 24th March 2013, they were engaged.

Traditional marriage,Date: 30/11/ 2013
Venue: Plot 459, 41 Road, opposite palm Ville Collage, Gowon Estate, Egbeda-lagos

Wedding Ceremony, Date: 7/12/2013
Reception follows immediately, at Nubunga Hall, Vines Hotel before Living Faith Church, Durumi, Abuja


Thursday, 31 October 2013

Sex In Relationships

The following article is the second part of the article on career and relationship written by my friend Kevin Moses. Please enjoy your reading.

DISCLAIMER: The ideas contained in the article below are those of the author aforementioned and do not in any way reflect mine. The article talks about sex and so reader discretion is advised.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


The following article was sent to my inbox by The Family International.

By Joyce Suttin

I was eight years old and learning diligence through the few chores I had been given. Growing up on a sheep farm near Pleasant Hill, in upstate New York, there were always lots of responsibilities to be divided between us four children. Being the youngest, I had been used to getting what I wanted--the easiest jobs--but my oldest brother and sister were busier off the farm these days, so more responsibility fell on me. I felt very grown up whenever Dad asked me to do something new. I wanted to show how responsible I was.

It had been an especially cold spring, and lambing began in the middle of a fierce snowstorm. Dad gathered the newborns and brought the frailest ones into the kitchen, where they slept in cardboard boxes around the coal stove. Huddled in the hay, they survived their first nights. Dad would awaken early to feed them their mother's milk from baby bottles. I eagerly helped during the first days. I loved the feel of the lambs' first charcoal gray wool, soft and warm. I loved their little bleats and the way they eagerly sucked on the bottle in my hand. I loved feeling grown up and helpful.

Dad was pleased. He was learning to trust me to help, to feed the lambs without being reminded. He saw my willingness to learn and took it as a sign that I was growing out of early childhood. I was becoming a big kid instead of the baby of the family.

As the lambs got stronger and the weather became a bit milder, Dad returned them one by one to the barn to stay with their mothers. They were all doing well--all except one. This lamb's mother had died in the storm, and Dad needed to find a foster mother for her. But first, the lamb needed to be strengthened. Her weak and wobbly legs barely supported her. When he would lift her to a standing position, she would flop back down on the hay. She needed more time in the house and more bottle-feeding before she would be ready to handle the colder temperatures in the barn or be accepted by another mother.

Dad left for work at 6 am, having left instructions for me to feed the lamb before I left for school, but I had stayed up reading the night before and barely had time to pull on my clothes and run out to catch the school bus. It was around ten o'clock math class when I remembered the lamb.

After school I ran home from the bus stop to find Dad sweeping around the coal stove. He looked up and asked, "Joyce, did you remember to feed the lamb this morning?"

I hesitated before answering, hung my head, and answered, "No, Daddy. I'm sorry. I forgot."

"Well, honey," he said softly, "I am sorry too, but the lamb died."

Tears welled up as I said again, "Daddy, I am so sorry!"

He gently took my shoulders in his hands. "This lamb is gone, and sorry won't bring it back. There will be other lambs, other chances to get it right, but you know, sorry doesn't always fix it. When we neglect a responsibility, when we forget to do something important, sometimes we only have one chance. We can be sorry, but sorry won't bring the lamb back."

It was a hard lesson for an eight-year-old, and I've never forgotten the feeling. It taught me to watch out for things in life that sorry can't fix, especially things that will have an impact on others' happiness and well-being. A harsh, unloving word can never be pushed back into my mouth. A selfish, thoughtless moment can never be lived differently. A kind word that should have been said can be said later, but not in that perfect moment when it would have done the most good.

We can only live today once, and we only have one chance to get it right. We'll never be perfect, but if we continually remind ourselves of our responsibility to others and try to do the loving thing at every opportunity, we'll have fewer times when "sorry doesn't fix it."

Defining Moments

By David Brandt Berg

Although some things may seem unimportant to us, they may be very important to our happiness and success. Look at what resulted from one wrong decision in the Garden of Eden.[[Genesis 3:1-11]] One little Tower of Babel has caused worldwide confusion and division of nations ever since.[[Genesis 11:1-9]] One little deal brought death to the Savior.[[Matthew 26:14-16]]

Little things can also lead to great things. One little boat saved humankind during a worldwide flood.[[Genesis chapter 7]] One little stone brought down a giant.[[1 Samuel chapter 17]] One little manger changed the destiny of mankind,[[Luke 2:7]] and faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.[[Matthew 17:20]]

I hope you were blessed by it. Please bless someone else by sharing. Cheers.

The authors can be reached by using their contacts below:


As If It Is.

This article was sent to my inbox and with permission from the sender, I decided to share it. God bless you as you read.

By Nyx Martinez

My flight to Uganda was booked for the first week of April, less than two weeks away. It was late morning as I sat in my room, counting the money in my wallet.

I was trying to get from Thailand to East Africa to continue my Christian volunteer work there, and God had told me He would provide the money. But my present volunteer work didn't bring in the kind of cash I needed for plane fare to the other side of the planet.

I needed $500 for three final things: the rest of my air fare, a visa for Uganda, and a suitcase. I had already spent a good part of the day worrying about where the money for those things was going to come from.

Coffee break, I thought. Somebody tell me it wasn't completely crazy to book an airline ticket without cash in hand to pay for it.

As I made my way towards the kitchen for that coffee, a friend passed me in the hall and handed me an Activated magazine. "Need something to read on your day off?"

"Sure," I mumbled as I took the magazine from her. I skimmed its cover, and these words grabbed my attention: PUT GOD ON THE SPOT. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, HE LIKES IT!

Intrigued, I walked back into my bedroom, forgetting the coffee. I flipped through the magazine until I came to "Proceed as if Possessing," and I began to read.

The article by Virginia Brandt Berg was familiar. I had read an illustrated version as a child. It told of a young woman named Etta who acted on her faith and put God to the test. Etta had believed so strongly that He would provide the travel funds she needed that she had booked a ticket and gathered her things to take even before she had a suitcase. And God had not failed her. At the last minute she was given a suitcase and money for her ticket and she was on her way, aboard God's unfailing promises.

I don't have a suitcase yet, either, I thought. This story could have been written for me! The answer to my problem was right there. "Proceed as if possessing! When you have asked God for something, take action. Act on your faith."

As I reread those words aloud, I asked myself, How should I "act out my faith"?

Pack your things and put God on the spot. The answer was that straightforward.

It was worth one more try, one more prayer. Would it work? It had to. I grabbed my journal and began to write:

Dear God, I want to proceed as if possessing. I want to have faith that You will provide, but my deadline is coming up soon and I still need a few more miracles.

1. The rest of my airfare to Uganda.

2. Money for a visa.

3. A suitcase (just like Etta needed).

Your Word promises, "According to your faith, it is done for you." I believe, so can You please give me enough money to cover those expenses? Thank You.

Done. It was as simple as sending an email to my dad, requesting extra allowance. I closed my journal, satisfied that my Father above had heard and would answer. I spent the rest of the day on travel plans and packing what I planned to take to Africa into an empty space in a cupboard.

It's been a good day, I thought as I sat down to dinner. It was about to get better.

"Something came in the mail for you today," a friend said.

I took the letter, opened it quickly, and swallowed hard. I'm sending $500. For a moment I couldn't think straight. The food in my mouth wouldn't go down.

My friends looked at me quizzically. "What is it?"

"Does God love me, or what?" I exclaimed. "He … just gave me … $500! This morning I prayed for 500 dollars--just six hours ago!" Someone in another country had heard that I needed funds to get to Africa, and they had written days earlier to say that they were giving me $500.

I was ecstatic. That night I turned the pages in my journal to that written prayer and sat in awe at how my Benefactor had provided. Grabbing my pen, I marked off all three requests:

1. The rest of my airfare to Uganda. Check!

2. Money for a visa. Check!

3. A suitcase (just like Etta needed). Check!

Was it a coincidence that I had prayed for that sum the very morning the letter arrived? Would the letter and funds have arrived anyway, had I not prayed? Or was it a case of "Before they call, I will answer"? (Isaiah 65:24).

Believe what you will, but I'm convinced that God had set things in motion days earlier because He had known I was going to put Him on the spot. In fact, I'm sure that He engineered the whole thing--that He caused me to be desperate for His help, pointed me to His unfailing promises through that Activated article, got me to "proceed as if possessing," and then came through with just what I needed (not too much and not too little), and right on time!

When my departure date came I was on a plane bound for faraway Uganda. That ticket in my hand, my prized possession, was real. And so are His promises.

Please feel free to share and bless a life.

You can contact the author on

Have a blessed day.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Career and Relationship

The following article was sent to my mail box and I decided to share it. It was written by my friend and brother Kelvin Moses.


Career describes an individual's journey through learning, work and other aspects of life. There are a number of ways to define a career. When we talk about career we are actually talking of been successful, living or seeing your dreams comes through and utilizing your talent. You can utilize your talent in a different way and it turns out to be a career or occupation to people out there.
It has been said that successful men marry successful women,so you should always allow your career to reflex in your relationship,and let your relationship reflex in you career too.
To be successful,one thing you must know is how to MAXIMIZE OPPORTUNITY, to make good use of your time as it is said “make hay while the sun shines” because TIME IS EXPENSIVE. Spend time in doing valuable and profitable things.


We are all blessed and talented. Discover your talent and utilize it, build your dreams, don't give up, even when you fail, don't quit, take corrections and buckle up.
Don't be ashamed of what people say. Some may mock you but that should stand as a motivation to you.
IF IT DIDN'T COME TO YOU DON'T ASSUME YOU DIDN'T DESERVE IT,MAYBE IT DIDN'T DESERVE YOU. Remember 'don't quit', keep trying because confidence comes from overcoming your fear of being wrong.


Am not going to emphasize or talk much about relationship cause I'll bring in everything about relationship/Dating/Sex,on my next articles which is entitle: SEX IN RELATIONSHIP) (S.I.R)

When we talk about relationship, we are basically talking about appreciation, trust, support, love and happiness. Some people are in a relationship while some are in a “relationSHIT”, troubles and quarrel everyday. Sometimes this is due to one's rude attitude, inadequate ability to handle or deal with situation, nagging, envy, distrust, being too critical or maybe when one is a burden to the other.
First before you go into a relationship you must create time to know each other better.
The two hardest things to say in life: 'HI' for the first time and “GOODBYE” for the last time.
No matter how eager one is for a relationship, they should not get involved if they are not ready. This way, they will avoid hurting the feelings of their partner. Every girl wants a guy to make her feel safe in his arms, to hold her tight and to remind her everyday that she is the only girl in his world. Guys have their own desires as well. So as a girl, before involving yourself in a relationship be stable, fix everything you need in yourself, and stop thinking the man will do it for you, you should have a class, standard and some principles.

However, if you've come of age for marriage, you ought to prepare yourself and mind for anything. This is because it is either you're taken to the altar or you're dumped. Be it as it may, not every relationship would lead to marriage. Nonetheless, you should not quit dating because you were dumped. Open your heart and try again. Don't use your past to criticize your next or present. But in the next relationship you ought to be careful, do something new, keep distance, give each other time to miss yourselves, close your legs, and most importantly, no regular pleasure.


1) No love, they just lust after each other maybe due to their wealth/glamour, high desire for pleasure.

2)Constant meeting.

3) Inability to cook and/or laziness.

4)Not Active in or poor performance in bed.

5) Above all if one is a liability to the other. He must not always give or you must not always ask. Let them give at their will. Love gives, so if its true love, it would do so naturally.

The above article has been editted but the original article was written by Kelvin Moses.

For Advise&sponsor

Follow on twitter&IG: @Realkbliz


Call: +2348062454473

Feel free to leave your comments and to share the link. Bless.

Friday, 22 February 2013



Missed me???? Missed you too. I haven't gotten over my valentine activity yet. I don't know about you but my valentine went well. It was one of the bests I've ever had. Uhhhm, I may say a few things about it later.

So how have you been? To be honest, I have missed writing and more importantly,  getting all the e-mails and mentions from you. Those commendations have been inspiring and really motivating. Thank God we are alive and that you can read this.

I want to use this opportunity to thank the Almighty God for how He saved my life. Yeah, I know that this is not a church service but there is nothing wrong in telling my friends of God's faithfulness in my life.

This may sound hilarious but its true and its worth testifying about. It had been a long week and I was happy that finally the weekend had come around. I wrote series of tests all through the week, did all manner of assignments, read all through the night for five consecutive days and finally, it was Friday, 5pm. I just couldn't contain my excitement. I had a mental picture of my weekend. I had planned to play football on Saturday morning, go to the hospital for check-up in the afternoon, take a nap in the early hours of the evening and read all through the night into Sunday. Yes, I still had to read because I am a student and I've got exams that won't write themselves.

So I bade my female classmates goodbye and I happily boarded the bus. To my greatest surprise the driver decided to turn on the air conditioner and I was even happier about it. I never knew it was a plot from the pit of Hell; (please don't get me wrong, the driver isn't a demon). We got on the road and we had to wait for the traffic light to turn green, so we were in a little traffic jam. Just when I decided to close my eyes, breathe in the cool air and relax, a good Nigerian on the bus with me felt pressed and decided to FART. It was a quiet one, not even a hum and the smell was unbearable. I wasn't close to any window and I didn't even want to open my mouth. I opened my eyes sha and I thoroughly scanned the faces of those sitting by my side. Trust the criminals, they all looked comfortable and relaxed, like they had oxygen masks on. I didn't also want to look like the guilty one because if only me could perceive it, or if I was the first to perceive it, I would probably be the first  suspect.

The height of it was when another concerned Nigerian spoke up about the polluted air. He's breath was even worse. To be frank, I'd prefer to manage the 'mess' than breathe in a quarter of that guy's breath. In fact, his mouth odour was so terrible that the fart smelled like perfume. I didn't know when I unconsciously burst into tongues. I started remembering all of God's promises for me and how He wants me to live and grow old, and get married. In my heart, I knew my life couldn't end that way because, 'I shall not die but live...'. God touched the heart of the person by the window to open it and after ten minutes, we had a breathe of fresh air. Glory to God.

This testimony attests to the fact that God answers prayers. Feel free to call on Him anytime. And then, always remember to pray before boarding any bus.

As my conclusion, I pray for you today. I pray that any of the Devil's subtle tactics to take you down, be it by body odour, mouth odour, stale air odour, etc, God'll protect your nostrils and keep your lungs in the hollow of His hands. Can I hear an AMEN???


Thursday, 14 February 2013


It feels good to be complimented. Most people, except one lady I know, love to be complimented and in fact some may be really mad at you if you do not offer them any. The Yoruba people in Nigeria are a people who can give you all the money in their pockets when you say the right words to them. Many a time, I have had my wishes granted by my Yoruba superiors by saying the right words of praise or singing eulogies to them.

In the same manner, some words could be very hurtful. The presentation could be even worse. Sometime last week, I jokingly told a very pretty girl that her hairstyle didn't really fit her face. Don't get me wrong, I said it discreetly and like a good friend would. She said nothing but smiled at me and we went our ways afterwards. I never knew I had really annoyed the young woman and that I was going to be a victim of some tongue lashing. After about two days, I happened to notice that she was online on skype and I said hi as I normally would. It was war afterwards and I was the unfortunate victim.

The crux of the matter is that words are like bullets and so should be used wisely and with caution. We all should learn to aim and fire very well. Below are some suggested tips that may work.
>> Think well before you speak.
>> Think well before you reply.
>> Be more positive in your words to others.
>> Be generous with compliments.
>> When the truth is bitter, use some salt.

When time permits, I will go to her and apologize. I hope she reads this and she finds out that am sorry. Her name is Ayomide Martins and if you know her, please help me tell her that am sorry and yes, she is beautiful.


Wednesday, 6 February 2013


It’s been a while. I have had so much work on my table that I have less than two hours to sleep, not to talk of blogging.

 Lemme use this opportunity to welcome you to the month of February for the year 2013. A lot of us are so familiar with living and some of the little things of life that we take them for granted. I do not have to remind you that somebody somewhere in the world is mourning the death of a loved one as you read this. That you can read this means you can still see with your eyes. I want to believe that you can hear, speak and be heard as well. All these are the little things we tend to overlook until we come into contact with a person who wishes they could enjoy the same things. If you are reading this, then you are alive and I’m really happy for you.

I pray that this month will be great for you and that you have more reasons to smile. I also pray that you receive only good news and that only good news will be spread about you and your loved ones. I pray that your goals for this month be achieved and that you find rest.

Above all, I pray that your soul finds peace.

Happy new month.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Today? Great.

It’s a public holiday today and so I am lecture-free. With some time to spare and with nothing much to do but read, I decided to join my guys for a game of football. Boys will always be boys and so I made some noise about it and made some boastful statements about my skills.

I mustn’t fail to mention that football is not my stuff. I know nothing about it and I don’t even try. Be it the EPL, La Liga, CAF, or whichever else there is, I really don’t care. The only matches I watch are those played by our very own Super Eagles or Super Falcons or any other Super bird; and they have been kinda disappointing so far. That’s for Bro Keshi and his prayer warriors.

When we got to the field, somewhere in Opebi, we got about the game. We changed our clothes and you can trust me to be overdressed for the occasion. I had my shin guard, helmet, safety goggles, boots, knee cap guard and much more; you’d think I was going on to climb the Olumo Rock. They still let me play since am a VIP (local champion).

I started the game as the keeper and in five minutes a goal had been scored by our opponents. I had not started to show my skills yet.  I saved some goals after then sha and I started feeling fly. The game went on for like 2 hours and I had played all the wings, I was even the referee at a point.

The highlight of the whole exercise was when I saw HER watching. I knew she had come to watch me, because news travels fast. I intensified effort but truly, ‘it’s not by might’. The game ended and we won, 13 goals to 10 goals, and I didn’t score any out of the 13. What a great footballer I am, maybe I should sign up with Bukola Babes FC.

Right now, I feel pains in my waist but it doesn’t matter. Today was great. It was even greater because I spent time with HER.

PS. Pls contact me if you know where I can get a massage, I prefer the masseuse to be of Chinese origin.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Staying Positive

I am still a novice in this field of blogging however, I just think this is nice and so I have decided to share it.

Every day comes with great potentials, be it positive or negative. One cannot be so sure of which would occur but most of us do hope we get the best from each day; the best each day has to offer. So, we set about our businesses for the day and everything seems pretty nice, working according to plan. We are happy about it and feel fulfilled at the end of the day. That’s the easy part.

What then becomes of us when things don’t go exactly as we expected them to? We may lose a loved one, misplace some money, or miss out on some opportunities which may be rare and believed to come just once in a person’s lifetime. What if we fell ill, missed our trains, missed our flights, arrived at work late or got stuck in some traffic (annoying as that could be)? What if we don’t get credits from our employers for work done or we put in so much but reap lean yields? What if something even worse than these happen? It then becomes difficult to retain the joy we may have woken up with or keep up a good disposition. In all these, it is of great importance that we are optimistic. It is of great necessity that we stay positive. 

Being positive means remaining certain that better things lie ahead. It means to be optimistic, looking ahead with hope and confidence that the sun will shine. It may not be easy, it would not be easy but in the long run, it would be worth it.

However, when we become positive, how then do we stay positive? How do we continue to be optimistic when our rent is up and the landlord has served a quit notice? How do we remain confident when we do not have the slightest idea of when and from where our next meal will come? How do we hold on to our hope when school fees have not been paid, when the health of a loved one is steadily deteriorating and the doctors have given up trying? The times when our prayers seem not to be answered and we just do not know the offence we have committed against God?
Below are some of the paradigms that work.

Pray some more and meditate on God’s word. Sometimes we miss out on the fulfilment of our heart desire because we stopped praying at the point where we were just a step away. God’s word is explicit on what God wants for us and the good part is that He is able to make it happen. I take solace in knowing that God won’t and can’t lie. Keep meditating; your faith will grow and so will your optimism.

Surround yourself with positive people. Our sub-conscious reflects on almost all information it receives and this affects our mood and actions a great deal. The company of negative, pessimistic, it-can’t-get-better people can feed our minds with garbage. When our minds have nothing else to reflect on but garbage, then there is a serious problem lurking around. I’d rather have two friends who look up than a million friends who don’t think it’s a good idea to even try.

Shut bad news out of your mind. Just like negative people, bad news can also demoralise and rob you of your reasons to keep on hoping. Instead of subscribing to channels where you will only get to see wars, hunger, pain, rape or listen to news of terrorism and the like, subscribe to the peace you have in you that calms you.

Keep saying positive things. I do this every time. Speaking words of hope to yourself is a sure way of keeping cool and smiling all day long. Say it, don’t stop talking it- ‘things are gonna get better’, ‘my good days are up ahead’, ‘I know I’m gonna make it’, ‘It ain’t over till God says so’, ‘nothing can steal my joy’. Just keep speaking great words to yourself. It is an antidote to negativity and sorrow.

Wouldn’t you rather be among the lot who will face a challenge and remain positive that it can be solved, than those who face challenges and let the challenges steal the joy of living from them? The ball is in your court, you are to decide for yourself.

I do hope this has helped you. It is a pleasure, and yes, you are welcome.

Monday, 21 January 2013

We Are The Change We Seek; Me First.

What are we doing to build a better Nigeria?

Should we all just sit around and complain about the spate of things? Would that make any difference?

As for me, am really studying and shunning every form of malpractices. I also keep my surroundings clean. I do my best to pray for my country and speak only of the positive parts of Nigeria when discussing with foreigners. I don't take what doesn't belong to me and I look for ways to help people without attaching any strings.

I read newspapers and surf the net daily looking for job vacancies for some unemployed people I know in my family, church, neighborhood, etc. I respect my elders and my younger ones. I respect my neighbors by not blaring my music out loud.

I make friends with Muslims and people from other religions. In fact, my closest friend was a Muslim before he traveled to Europe. I talk to them about my religion but I don't force them to convert or make sneering remarks about them. I love them and offer help when possible.

This is my little way of making Nigeria better and am still looking for ways to improve. Whats yours?