Thursday, 31 January 2013


There is a song I love so much; we sing it in our churches to glorify God and in the 'yard' or 'face-me-I-face-you' we live to boast to our neighbors. You can join me, if you know it.
People dey ask me sey, na wetin dey make me SHINE? I just dey tell them sey, na Jesus dey make me SHINE. #singing in an Ibo accent
In my own case, people keep asking me why I keep getting fatter. Don't even think of flattering yourself, you are still fatter than I am. But seriously, my clothes seem to be getting tighter and my image in the mirror looks kinda bigger. For this reason, I have started my dieting. Yes! I'm going on a diet, I must lose some pounds either by hook or by crook. My diet is a simple one. I am determined to eat right, to eat healthy. I have made up my mind NOT to eat anything that isn't food. I won't eat my biro, my table, my duvet, my laptop's power cord and I won't eat Ewedu. Its not like Ewedu is not food but I have issues with brooms.

Did you know that what you feed yourself with is very important? Some people even go as far as saying that "you are what you eat". I don't know where they got that from but I think they are on point; right now, I am a plate of rice and beans with six eggs. The food you eat is very important because it goes a long way in affecting and influencing your well being.

More important than that food is the food of the mind. What do you feed your mind with? Are you subscribed to the right pieces of information or you are a big fan of negativeness? The things you feed your mind affect your thoughts and those affect your actions which in turn make up your habits and ultimately your personality. What do you listen to? What books do you read? What movies do you watch? What places do you visit? Who do you interact with and what are your conversations about?

Just as good food is good for the body, the right mind-food is good for the mind. The right conversations, songs, movies, books, friends and more. It is folly for you to look healthy but have a sick mind. Many people are affected by this. Stop starving your mind, FEED HER. And feed her with the right things. Even the Bible advises that we guard our hearts.

> Stop listening to negative people.
> Stop reading mundane books.
> Stop listening to immoral, violent music.
> Watch only movies that add to you.
> Listen to motivational speakers, or other people who inspire you.
> Say the right things to yourself. Speak positive words to yourself, even if no one else will.
> Hang around the right people.
> Read my blogs.
> Make sure your mind grows fat.
> Use your thoughts wisely.

I am my mind. My thoughts define me. Therefore, I'll grow fat on the right food and think only great things. - Jaja Jasper
Food is ready again and I have to keep to my 'diet'. I have to eat.


1 comment:

  1. from now on i would feed my mind with the right food,thanks man.....................this is gud jasper....temmy tho
