Tuesday, 29 January 2013


I couldn't post any new blog for some days because I've been quite busy. I say thank you to all of you who sent me mails, tweets, messages and those of you who called me to ask when the new post would be out. I felt really honored. Truth be told, I felt like Daddy Shokee, after he landed a contract with Globacom.

What was I doing? I was preparing for a test. You know, I just can't afford to perform poorly for some obvious reasons. One of them being that my teachers read my blog too. I can just imagine them thinking "this Jasper must be a real 'idiat', you mean he doesn't have time for his studies?" Believe me, I won't be able to stand their look of disapproval. FYI, am not in a primary school neither am I in Covenant University.

However, the test was wonderful. It was Biology, 8 questions in 60 minutes. It wasn't as easy as it sounds, that's if you have an idea  of Cambridge A'Level program. It was also tiring. It seemed as if the questions were multiplying. The more I answered, the more pages I had left. Towards the end of the test, I took stock and discovered that I had done just like 60% of the work. It wasn't laughable.

Think on this. What if life is like a test? What have you written down? Have you affected any life? Have you made an impact yet? If your script is to be marked would your result be impressive? Would you, like that cat, have that look on your face when your friend(s) ask for more sheets? When they make more progress?

Do not be left behind. Your friends today will not remain your friends if they make progress and you don't.

Notwithstanding, I have reasons to believe my performance in today's test will be good. The match between Super Eagles and their Ethiopian counterparts prevented me from sleeping. I should probably do that now.


1 comment:

  1. if life were to be a test as said, 80% of individuals would fail.
