Wednesday, 30 January 2013


Hello. I hope your day went well. Mine? It was awesome. One of my favorite mums returned from  the UK and she got me some sweets and candy. It may sound ordinary but it meant a lot to me. Let me also mention that this is not the first time I'm receiving foreign sweets and candy. Some time ago, another mum of mine visited Germany and Nottingham and bought me sweets and socks when she returned. I really don't know but I think they got to find out that I didn't have much sweets as as a child and am really grateful. I really appreciate them because I have also been to several countries and I have bought or brought nothing back home for anybody.

Seriously, I travel a lot. I have visited every continent of the world, except Australia. Are you  surprised? Nah, you needn't be. From New York City to Edinburgh to Copenhagen and even Seoul, I have toured almost every bit of the planet. I begin my voyage the moment I close my eyes each day. Yes, all my journeys have been in my dreams. FYI, my name isn't Joseph.

I have asked a lot of people on so many occasions of their dreams and every time I get the same "I don't dream" response I get startled. Ok, maybe am not talking of the dreams you have when you sleep but do you dream? Do you have a dream? Every great man that ever lived once had a dream. Joseph Jacob, one time Prime Minister of Egypt in the time of Pharaoh happens to be one of my favorites. Let me not bore you with Bible stories, you should have had enough during all the Children Sunday School classes you attended. Martin Luther King Jnr, Mahatma Gandhi, Malcolm X and Nelson Mandela are other examples of people who had great dreams and achieved them. So, take some time and ponder. Do you really have dreams? Goals? Aspirations? Visions? Do you have a foresight into what your tomorrow should be like or you have resigned to fate?

I really do hope you have dreams. However, if you don't, its not too late. 'GO BACK TO BED'. Sleep some more. Its a popular saying that 'its morning when you wake up, irrespective of the time of the day it is'. Sit down, map out a course for your life. Living life without goals is a waste. You need dreams to motivate you. You need dreams to keep you focused. You need dreams and goals to help you make an impact in your generation and in our world. You should also ask God to reveal his purpose for your life to you.
When your dreams and aspirations are in line with your Divine purpose, your success story becomes a best-seller. - Jaja Jasper
The next thing you should do after you dream is to get into action. Don't just sit there and think your dreams would make themselves come through. Get on the path of actualizing that dream. Do what has to be done. Make sacrifices. Pay the price. One other thing you should do is to watch out for and get the people that would help make your dreams come through. Your friend, brother, father, mother, teachers, lectures, spouse, or any other person. Find them and work with them. You get to achieve your dreams faster and easier when you work with a team. Please be careful of those who would try to truncate your dreams. Guard your dreams jealously and keep them away from the little foxes. With God's help and the tips above, your dream is gonna come through.

Uhhhhm, I think I'll be visiting Hawaii tonight. Wish me a safe flight.


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